At PMI Hudson we expect to earn your business every day. There are plenty of property managers to choose from in Westchester County for your leasing and property management needs. At PMI Hudson we’re separating ourselves from the competition by offering 7 distinct satisfaction guarantees.
Happiness Guarantee
If for any reason you are not completely happy with our services you are free to leave us without penalty in the first 90 days.
21 Day Guarantee
If we are unable to lease your home in 21 days or less we will give you your first month management for free.
Results Guarantee
We don’t get paid until you get paid. With PMI Plymouth you will have peace of mind, knowing that we are working hard for you and you will not need to pay us until you see results.
On-Time Rent Guarantee
We guarantee that your owners payment will arrive in your bank account within 10 business days or our services for that month are free.
Leasing Guarantee
If a tenant that we place does not fulfill at least 9 months of their lease we will find a new tenant for you at no cost to you.
Pet Guarantee
We take pet screening seriously and we guarantee your home will not be damaged by an approved pet. (As an owner, you do not need to accept pets if you don’t want to)
Eviction Guarantee
We understand how frustrating it is when a tenant violates their lease agreement and the financial implications for property owners. It’s an unfortunate fact that some tenancies end in eviction. With PMI’s Eviction Guarantee, you don’t have to worry about the costs of an eviction because when you subscribe to our Eviction Protection Plan we not only handle the eviction process but we cover the legal costs or fees associated with the eviction, up to $2000.